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Holden Board of Selectmen
Regional Selectmen’s Meeting
April 26, 2007
7:00PM        Holden Senior Center

Attendance:      Vice Chairman James Jumonville, Selectman Kimberly Ferguson, Selectman Kenneth O’Brien

Vice Chairman Jumonville opened the meeting at 7:05PM with a call for introductions.  Representatives from all Wachusett Towns had representation except Sterling.  Also in attendance were members of the various Finance Committees from member Towns as well as Superintendent Thomas Pandiscio and some members of the Wachusett Regional School Committee.

General discussion was held regarding the WRSD budget.  Each Town described the impact of the District budget on their respective municipal budgets.  Each community also expressed their current position on a budget number they could support at upcoming Town Meetings.

Superintendent Pandiscio explained the underlying assumptions that produced his budget and answered questions from those in attendance.

At approximately 8:45 p.m., attendees thanked the Superintendent and he and the members of the School Committee left the meeting.

Discussion continued as to the budget amount that each Town could agree with and recommend at their Town Meetings.  Some consensus was reached that a $500,000 reduction would bring the individual assessments to a point where most in attendance could support it.  It was agreed that Paul Challenger, Chairman of the Holden Finance Committee would communicate that amount to the Superintendent the next day.

The Regional meeting concluded at approximately 9:00PM. 

The Holden Board continued to meet to discuss the Town Managers request to add 2 Warrant Articles to the Warrant for the May 21st ATM.  The first was to re-appropriate the remaining balance in a Water Sewer Fund Borrowing to Light Department use.  The purpose of this article would be to aid in the balancing of the FY07 Water Sewer budget. 

On a motion by Selectman Ferguson, seconded by Selectman O’Brien the motion carried 3 – 0. 

The second article would allow Town Meeting voters to vote separately on the Paxton window issue at the upcoming Town Meeting instead as part of the larger overall WRSD assessment. 

On a motion by Selectman Ferguson, seconded by Selectman O’Brien the motion carried 3 – 0.

At 9:10PM Selectman Ferguson made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Selectman O’Brien and carried 3 – 0.

Approved:         May 7, 2007